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Camp Policy

We have a few rules and we would like you to read them over. Attending camp entails great freedom, and with that freedom comes responsibility.  By attending FetCamp, you are agreeing to abide by our rules. Failure to abide by the rules may be cause for warnings, or removal from the event at the discretion of management.

Vaccination Policy

  FetCamp welcomes fully vaccinated guests. While we believe vaccinations are smart, we are no longer requiring proof of vaccination. If you feel ill please stay home, it would be considered a breach of consent to misrepresent your health status.

Photo Policy

 For attendees, we have a strict “No Camera Policy” to ensure everyone’s privacy. Yes, that includes cell phone cameras, it includes "selfies" and yes it includes photos taken in your tent or out of view of others. There are to be NO private photos at all for any reason.  Once someone posts a private photo, one without the camp watermark, it looks like people have special permission to take private photos or that we don't enforce the rules.
 Our Camp Photographer is
XXXX, you can look them up on Fetlife to get a preview of their work.
 Our photo policies are designed to protect everyone's privacy while making sure our talented photography team is compensated for work, as well as ensuring those of you who want pictures get high quality photos to document your experience.

 The photo package is FREE THIS YEAR The photography team will be roaming the camp looking to capture your play and fun in a casual or sometimes candid way, as well as having scheduled times when Our photographer will be in a fixed location listed on the schedule, so people who want to make sure they get photos, can. If you have something fantastic planned and you need a photographer, let the staff know and we will do our best to have a photographer there for you.
  After the event, our photographer will sort through the photos, and there are a LOT of photos to sort through and put together a proofing gallery with intrusively watermarked photos of everyone who signed a model release. A link to that gallery will be sent to the email address you list on your release. You can then contact them a
nd they will get high-res images to you.
Note: You, FetCamp, and
the photographer will have shared usage rights for the photos taken of you at camp. That's a common practice for events like ours and is how we're able to offer the services of a professional photographer at such a good rate.
You may choose to upgrade to the photo package once on site and will be required to show an official government-issued ID, sign a waiver, as well as wear the required photo friendly wrist band. Additionally, you may negotiate with the photographers on site or after the proofing gallery has gone out, for fully retouched photos or prints to be made for you for a reasonable price.
We feel this policy is the most respectful to our skilled photographers and assures you that you will be photographed and receive a photo from the event. Please make sure you are wearing your wrist band at times when it is OK to photograph you.

We feel this a great value and encourage everyone to sign up for the photo package.

Inclusion Policy

  FetCamp welcomes everyone regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation or presentation. Your sexual interests and proclivities are of no real interest to us, and NO we don't care where you pee. All restrooms and classrooms are inclusive of everyone. We will do our best to get the pronoun correct, and expect all attendees to do the same. We ask that we treat each other with the respect we would like to be treated with.

Smoking Policy

  NO SMOKING! That includes Vaping! No smoking in any building or tent at any time for any reason... Smoking is NOT allowed within 15 feet of any building or tent, if you must smoke, please be an adult and deposit your butts in an appropriate container.         

Dungeon Monitor Policy

  We will not be hosting dungeon monitors at our event. With our new all outdoor layout we will be spreading our play equipment over many acres of land, in many stations both tented and under the stars. It would be impossible for us to pretend that we could cover all of this space. Claiming that we could, would set up an unrealistic expectation that might lead to trouble.  We want you safe, we will all respond to the call of Red or Yellow. We expect all of our guests and friends to look out for one another and create a safe play environment. A staff member may ask you about your play, or consent, and they are being helpful and watching out for our friends, but they are not to be thought of as your safety net. If we were to host a monitor, it might give you a false sense of security. What if they miss the infraction, are you capable of calling red on your own? Your play should be able to exist safely as if we were not there at all.  

 We ask that you, our guest, take the first step in playing safe and ultimately take the responsibility for your safety.  You shouldn't play with strangers; you shouldn't play alone in the woods. Don't run off with new friends. Don't wear a ball gag if you think you might need to call red. Don't expect others to be responsible for your safety. Do ask for references, Do play in a public or semi public space. Be responsible for your choices in play style and partners. Make smart choices. Ask a friend to hang out with you, if you meet a new play partner. Negotiate well, and if you are prone to letting negotiated rules "slip" perhaps you shouldn't be playing in this sexually charged style of event. Be able to say NO in a loud clear voice if needed.  

  This isn't to scare you, it's a reminder that you are your own best advocate for safety.   We are still planning on running all of your names through a national data base of sex offenders, and we will still do our best to weed out bad apples, but our worry regarding monitors is an implied liability issue.   A good example of this issue is with medical professionals.  If we were to hire an EMT to be on staff, and they try to assist you in a medical issue and things go wrong, I might be liable because I hired this person to ensure your safety.  If the EMT is simply volunteering their help, they and in turn we, are protected by "Good Samaritan" laws.  A similar scenario might occur if we were to provide a monitor for your safety. A lot of this is a grey area we choose not to engage in. 

  We as a group also think that our new policy will help reinforce your safety by reminding you that you are responsible for your actions and choices.   As always, NO means NO. We take consent seriously and will not tolerate any infractions.  Here is a fun fact: All staff members are empowered to remove you from the venue if they confirm a consent violation.  They don't need to run it by me at all.  Yep, we take it that seriously.

  I hope we can all move forward with this new and different option, with an eye on safety and taking responsibility for ourselves and our friends. 

Guns, Sausage, and Cured Meat Policy

There are to be no guns, regardless of "your rights" we are asking that there be no guns brought onto the property, for play or otherwise. I just don't like them, so my party, my rules, thanks for understanding. 
  No knives larger than those legal to carry in the state of MA, and please, I don't believe I'm having to say this, PLEASE don't stab anyone with them. I realize that most stabbings are done by friends and family, and there will be no anti stabbing police in attendance, so please just don't stab. If you are feeling "stabby" please stay home.
  Also, to be clear I am asking anyone with a larger penis than I have to stay home.  That goes for sausage, please leave all sausage and cured meat home.  I know most places don't have a hard and fast cured meat policy, but we do, that's just how much we care.    Amended 5-22-22 I love ham and bacon, they are not only welcomed, but encouraged at FetCamp. This rule is aimed at Salami, Suprasada, and other Italian cured meats.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

  FetCamp does not condone the use of illegal drugs and there is a strict “no drugs on the property” rule in effect. While Cannabis in  Massachusetts is legal for recreational use, we are following Federal law, as well as respecting the rules of our rented venue. Cannabis in any form is not allowed at camp! It will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion from the event. We are guests here and as such must abide by the rules. We are not here to make a personal statement as that is irrelevant with regard to the wishes of management. 

  Alcohol is allowed in moderation, please respect others and don't be a drunken mess in public. Outward drunken, lewd, obnoxious, or abusive, behavior will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion from the event without a refund. Don't be getting high, and don't split hairs as to what a "drug" is.  If you need help deciding, perhaps this isn't the event for you.

  The opinions and decisions of the event staff are final, so don't be stupid! Play responsibly, drink responsibly, and if your "medication" is not considered FEDERALLY legal, DON'T BRING IT.

"Kick You Out" Policy

  FetCamp, reserves the right to refuse service to any individual, for pretty much any reason.  If we cancel your registration before the beginning of the event we may refund your registration fees, at our discresdiscretion.  If at the event, we boot you to the curb, and you are asked to leave the event for any reason such as a violation of our code of conduct, being a douche or pissing me off, no refunds will be given.

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